305 E. Rusk Mexia, TX 76667
Phone: 254-562-3231
FAX: 254-472-0140
Website: http://www.gibbslibrarymexia.org
Our library provides:
- Books
- Internet Access (Up to two hours per day)
- Audio Books (CD)
- Reference Materials
- Movies (DVD)
- Tax Forms
- FAFSA Forms
- Quiet place to study
- Monday Story Time (11 AM)
- Copy Machine/ Ellison Die Cut Machine
- Newspapers
- Magazine Subscriptions
- Internet Database
- Fax
- Local History Collection
- Typewriter
- Summer Reading Program
- Computer Classes, Mondays 9 AM
It's all free except for copies! Library cards are free by filling out an application, showing picture ID and proof of address. Please give Gibbs Memorial Library a visit anytime Monday thru Friday, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM.